
Game genie bomber man 2 nes
Game genie bomber man 2 nes

I was also semi-inspired after seeing this old post about the bizarre set of steps you take to enable debug mode. It's difficulty curve is a little on the severe side so I think it would be nice to be able to 'smooth off the edges' to make the game a fun to play. The codes were gotten from and/or World-Of-Nintendo.As a fun little lockdown project I've been working on RE'ing Hudsonsofts Bomber King, which is kinda like a Bomberman RPG. This FAQ should only have my name on it Mike Truitt, if you see it on any sit that doesn't give me credit please notify me. Version History - 1.0 - Started, all codes entered Sunday J- CODES - 7E04-9E42 Get an unlimited supply of 120mm cannon ammo 7E04-A001 Get an unlimited supply of laser guided missiles 7E05-C4FF Get an unlimited supply of fuel 7E04-A296 Get an unlimited supply of machine gun ammo 7E00-250X Go to your desired level (Level = X+2 if X is 2 you go to Level 4) 7E00-2501 Go to level 1 7E04-9E42 Begin the game with the 120 MM Cannon 7E04-A001 Begin the game with the Laser Missile 7E04-A101 Begin the game with Smoke 7E04-A296 Begin the game with the Machine Gun 7E05-C4FF Begin the game with Fuel 0098-032C Get an unlimited supply of all of the weapons ammo 00CD-A2A5 Have no damage inflicted upon you - Notes & Thanks - This is a copyrighted work for Mike Truitt, any usage of this FAQ not noted by its author is banned, if you want to have it on you site, just e-mail me at and I'll be more than happy to allow you to have it on your site, but you MUST ask.

game genie bomber man 2 nes

Game Genie is in no way affiliated with Nintendo, I am in no way affiliated with either of these two companies. If you would like to use this FAQ in any way shape or form on your site, just e-mail me and I will most likely allow you to post it Note: These codes will only work if you use the Game Genie add on device.

game genie bomber man 2 nes game genie bomber man 2 nes game genie bomber man 2 nes

Notes & Thanks - About this FAQ - This FAQ is a copyright of Mike Truitt if you have any questions or comments about this FAQ e-mail me.

Game genie bomber man 2 nes